Our team

Ray Butler

Founder & Course Leader

Ray is a very successful entrepreneur and a businessman, keen yachtsman (he has sailed the Atlantic twice!) and a compassionate Penninghame Process Course Leader for many years as the course has developed.
Ray Butler’s personal inner journey and deep transformation has made him passionate about the emotional health and wellbeing of other people. He has been trained by some of the world leading pioneers in personal development, (including Bengt Stern – Meet Yourself Process, Cliff Barry – Shadow Work, Aneesha Dillon – Body Work, Rahasya & Nura), and is continuing to do so whenever the opportunity arises. Ray has been also trained at the Oneness University in India.
Being a member of business community himself and deeply aware of the challenges in today’s business world Ray’s interest lies in helping business people to apply integral approach to life while integrating intuition and inner guidance into everyday decision making.
Ray’s friendly, unassuming and down to earth manner, combined with a solid trustworthiness, compassion and integrity creates a powerful presence for assisting personal healing and inner transformation.

Rosie Manton

Course Leader

Rosie has always been a creative spirit. Throughout her rich and varied life, she has had three guiding themes; Art, Music and Dance, with curiosity about people and how they function making a fourth! Rosie has always been passionate for the right of individuals to be and to freely express themselves.

Trained as a Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist she has over twenty years experience of individual client and group work and is currently running workshops and training therapists in Penninghame, London, Stockholm and Gothenburg.

Rosie has creatively combined her experience of the body and the mind offering a blend of the healing arts, dance, music and art with psychotherapy. Rosie trained with Gabrielle Roth and is now teaching 5 Rhythms dance – reconnecting dance and spirit. She is also a fully qualified leader of Holotropic Breathwork workshops, certified by the founder Dr Stanislav Grof. Rosie is ever expanding her remit of expertise, with advanced bodywork training with Aneesha Dillon in Pulsation, a blend of Reichian Bodywork and Chakra work.

For pleasure, Rosie paints and plays Sousaphone in a local jazz band where she lives in Southern Spain.

Gordon Jessiman

Course Leader

Gordon is complementary, holistic therapist and is also a qualified Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner, Magnified energy healer, Reconnection Practitioner 1 & 2, Spiral Dynamics and Oneness Blessing Giver.

His work combines many modalities, including Spiritual Life Coaching, Reiki, and Reconnection, to help people find their innermost freedom and peace.

He believes his purpose as a spiritual life coach is to enable people to find the blockages within and release the unexpressed past experiences, find self-forgiveness and let go to allow freedom into all that you do in life.


After undertaking his own spiritual journey and experiencing a dramatic change in his family, Gordon decided his wanted to extend this gift of awareness to others. One of the ways he achieves this is through his wonderful work with the Penninghame Process.

Liz Slingsby

Course Manager

Liz has been a member of the Penninghame team since 2014 after participating on Step 1 herself.

The Penninghame Process has been integral to creating lasting change in all aspects of Liz’s life, she really feels she is now living the life she wanted, and it is this that makes her so passionate about sharing this work with others.

Since joining the team Liz has continued her own personal and professional development and is now a trained reiki master, meditation instructor, and yoga instructor, and is continually expanding her experience of other spiritual and wellbeing practices in order to continue her own development and what she is able to share with others.

Maria Jessiman

Course Assistant

Maria is an ITEC trained Holistic therapist and a member of ‘The Federation of Holistic Therapies’ which offers on-going training and guidance for all practitioners.

Maria initially qualified as a Montessori Teacher, working passionately with the values of Montessori from an early age with both children and adults. Following this, she went on to become a complimentary therapist training as a Reiki practitioner 1&2, reconnection healing 1&2, holistic massage with stress management, Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

After attending Freedom In Living in India earlier this year, Maria has furthered her development and is now trained as a OWA meditator. In addition, she trained as a Family Lab practitioner,, embracing and applying the values of the family therapist and author, Jesper Juul in all areas of life. These values are also held with all the Penninghame team.

Amanda Riley,

Course Assistant, LCM dip, Cert ECBS, FHT

Amanda started her career in Insurance, after being made redundant and travelling the world she decided to start her journey into helping people.   

Amanda trained in Therapeutic Massage and started volunteering at a cancer charity helping people through the stress of their diagnosis by giving therapies. She then went on to train in Hydrotherm Massage, Indian Head Massage, The Bowen Technique, Reflexology and Pregnancy Massage and is a Reiki Master.

Amanda has a passion for helping people to move forward in life free from stress and strain.  

Amanda attended Penninghame in 2013 after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2007, managing this illness was proving hard and she was stuck being a victim to disease.  Amanda has been able to turn this around with huge support from Penninghame and the team and has been volunteering since 2017 and been awestruck by the profound changes people can make.

Amanda also works as an independent therapist and can be found here: www.theartofhealing.me.uk

Nick Farrar

Course Assistant

Nick has more than 40 years of experience in social work, management, and project management. He is experienced in many different areas including carers support, palliative care, mental health, disabilities, families, transcultural work, and work on quality standards.

Nick has an M.B.A. and a Doctorate in Education, specialising in skills development which relates to ‘tacit knowledge’.

He is currently a trustee for his local RELATE organisation and for a local disability organisation.